UCLA STAT 13 (sections 1a, 1b & 1c) Winter 2003

Introduction to Statistical Methods for the Life and Health Sciences


Ivo D. Dinov, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Statistics,
Research Scientist, Department of Neurology,
UCLA School of Medicine
Teaching Assistants:
  • Janine Miller (section 1c, 1b) E-mail: jmiller@stat.ucla.edu and
  • Ming Zheng  (section 1a) E-mail: zmdl@stat.ucla.edu

  • Lectures: (KINSEY 169)  MWF, 11:00 - 11:50 AM

    Discussions Section Information
    Section IDSectionClassroomTimeTA Name
    263040203 1c(Disc.) MS 5203 R 12:00 - 12:50 PM Janine Miller
    263040203 1c(Lab) Boelter 9413 T 1:00 - 1:50 PM Janine Miller
    2630402021b(Disc.) MS 5203 R 1:00 - 1:50 PM Janine Miller
    2630402021b(Lab) Boelter 9413 T 1:00 - 1:50 PM Janine Miller
    2630402011a(Disc.) MS 5203 R 11:00 - 11:50 AM Ming Zheng 
    2630402011a(Lab) Boelter 9413 T 11:00 - 11:50 AM Ming Zheng 

    Instructor Office: Main: MS 8142E (alternative: CHS, UCLA School of Medicine, Reed 4-238, by appt. only)
    TA Offices: Janine Miller, MS 3955; Ming Zheng  MS 8118
    Virtual Office Hours (STAT13-1 Forum)
    STAT Computer Lab: http://www.stat.ucla.edu/undergraduate/icl/

    Grading policy and basis for Final Grade:
    HW Assignment Policy:

    Textbook: Chance Encounters - A first Course in Data Analysis and Inference by Christopher Wild and George Seber (2000)
      Tentative schedule of topics to be covered
    1. Data Collection, Experiments, Observational Studies vs. Designed Experiments, Ch. 1
    2. Variables Graphical & Numerical Summaries, Ch. 2
    3. Probability & Independence, Ch. 4
    4. Discrete Random Variables, Binomial Distribution, Expected Value, Variance, Ch. 5
    5. Bayes' Rule, supplement
    6. Continuous Random Variables, Normal Distribution, Ch. 6
    7. Inference, Means, Central Limit Theorem, Ch. 7
    8. Confidence Intervals, Ch. 8
    9. Hypothesis Testing, Ch. 9
    10. Z-test for mean and proportion, Ch. 10
    11. 2 independent samples, t-test, Ch. 7, 8, 9, 10
    12. Bivariate Data, Correlation, Ch. 3
    13. Regression, Ch. 12
    14. ANOVA, Chi-square, Ch. 11

    Acknowledgement: Prof. Dinov is very thankful to the textbook authors, Prof. Christopher Wild and Prof. George Seber, for providing many useful teaching aids and other support for this class.
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    Ivo D. Dinov, Ph.D., Departments of Statistics and Neurology, UCLA School of Medicine