Ivo Dinov
UCLA Statistics, Neurology, LONI
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Neuroscience 172
Winter 2006
Introduction to Brain Mapping
and Neuroimaging

Course Description

This course will introduce the students to the modern methods of brain mapping and neuroimaging research. The wide range of expertise of the instructors will allow covering the basics of the state-of-the-art techniques for image acquisition, data pre-processing, analysis and visualization. A variety of applications in brain research and computational neuroscience will be discussed.

Course Director:
Arthur W. Toga, Ph.D.
Professor of Neurology
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
E-mail: toga@loni.ucla.edu
Auditorium: Brain Mapping Center #221
Tue & Thu  10:00 - 11:15 AM

Instructor's Offices: LONI, Neuroscience Research Bulding, 635 Charles Young Dr., Suite 225, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Map: http://www.ucla.edu/map
LONI Lab:  http://www.loni.ucla.edu/
Office Hours: By arrangement

Grading policy and basis for Final Grade:
  Project Assignment Policy:


Arthur Toga
University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
John Mazziotta
University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A
1. Introduction to Neuroimaging and Brain Mapping Terminology (1)
2. Review of Neuroanatomy (2)
3. The Physics of Neuroimaging (invasive and non-invasive, structural vs. functional, digital data representation) (2)
4. The Normal Brain: The Developing Brain, Matured Brain, Aging Brain (2)
5. Diseases: Depression, Schizophrenia, Autism, Bipolar disorder, Neurodegeneration and dementia (AD), Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Methamphetamine, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Head Trauma, Tumors.(2)
6. Challenges in computational neuroscience and brain imaging (1)
7. Preprocessing methods in Neuroimaging (intensity modulation, spatial normalization, filtering) (1)
8. Volumetric and Surface modeling, representation and analysis (3)
9. Statistical methods in structural and functional neuroimaging (2)
10. The LONI Grid-Compute Pipeline Environment (2)
11. Imaging in Psychology and Psychiatry (1)
12. Behavior, Memory, Language and Cognition (1)

Computers and Software

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