Introductory Programming, C++


Program in Computing 10B

Ivo D. Dinov, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Statistics,
Research Scientist, Department of Neurology, and
Visiting Assistant Professor, PIC/Math
UCLA School of Medicine
E-mail: dinov@ucla.edu

Textbooks: (primary)Problem Solving with C++ by Walter Savitch
(secondary) Algorithms in C++ by Sedgewick & Van Wyk
    Tentative order of topics covered
  1. Review of PIC 10B, ch. 1-9, Savitch Book
  2. Strings, Ch. 10
  3. Pointers, Ch. 11
  4. Recursion, Ch. 12
  5. Templates, Ch. 13
  6. Linked Lists, Ch. 14
  7. Inheritance, Ch. 15
  8. Exceptions, Ch. 16
  9. Trees, Ch. 5, Sedgewick/Van Wik Book
  10. Various Sorting Algorithms, Ch. 6-7

Ivo D. Dinov, Ph.D., Departments of Statistics, Neurology and Program in Computing (Math), UCLA