This is a list of the JComponents (and some of their methods) we have learned in this class.
For a thorough list of the class and methods in JAVA refer to the web page

The Sun JAVA Web Page (Sun is the company that makes JAVA)

On this web page to the right you will see a window titled "ALL CLASSES". Scrolloing down
you will find any class you are interested in. Simply click on the class for a detailed
explaination of it.

This is a diagram to illustrate the inheritance structure for the JComponents.

                 |         |          |           |         |         |
                Box   ScrollPane    Applet      Panel   JComponent  Window
                                      |                     |         |    
                                   JApplet                  |   +-----+------+
                                                            |   |     |      |
                                                            | JWindow Frame  Dialog
                                                            |                |
                                                            |            +---+----+
                                                            |            |        |
                                                            |        FileDialog  JDialog
    |   |    |     |   |    |    |        |      |     |    |      |   |         |
 JPanel | JMenuBar | JLabel | JComboBox   | JScrollBar | JSlider   | JTable  JTextComponent
    JOptionPane  JList  JFileChooser AbstractButton  JToolTip  JPopupMenu        |                   
                                          |                                +-----+-----+
                                  +-------+--------------+                 |           |
                                  |       |              |            JTextField  JTextArea
                              JMenuItem   JToggleButton  JButton
                                  |            |
                           JCheckBoxMenu  +----+----+
                                          |         |
                                          |         |
                                   JRadioButton  JCheckBox

You should go to the Sun JAVA web site mentioned above and familiarize yourself with the methods
of this classes. We now present examples of some of these