The following commands worked on 5/29/01, in R for Unix version 1.2.1 which is the version currently installed on the STAT server. ### SIMULATE 100 pts distributed uniformly on the square [0,1000] x [0,1000] xsim <- runif(100)*1000 ysim <- runif(100)*1000 ### LOAD IN DATA FROM A TEXT FILE ### (Be sure this file is in the same directory you are in when you start R.) dat <- scan("datafile.txt") n <- length(dat)/2 xfile <- dat[1:n] yfile <- dat[(n+1):(2*n)] ### INPUT DATA DIRECTLY x1 <- c(752.20, 593.40, 101.40, 357.80, 996.80, 48.05, 355.90, 710.30, 592.80, 770.10, 442.90, 371.80, 35.16, 901.10, 637.80, 158.60, 765.90, 326.20, 500.60, 812.20, 441.10, 831.50, 304.40, 743.30, 716.80, 990.70, 609.70, 825.20, 681.70, 422.40) y1 <- c(860.90, 447.00, 166.50, 170.90, 730.60, 180.30, 151.10, 277.30, 514.00, 502.20, 584.80, 370.90, 833.20, 880.20, 447.40, 100.40, 44.70, 311.90, 837.70, 949.30, 89.24, 405.00, 578.40, 649.50, 27.59, 699.00, 664.30, 582.40, 590.60, 774.90) ### PLOT DATA postscript("") par(mfrow=c(3,2)) plot(xsim,ysim) plot(xfile,yfile) plot(x1,y1) plot(x1,y1,pch="x") plot(x1,y1,pch="x",cex=.7) plot(x1,y1,pch="*") ### MORE PLOTTING postscript("") par(mfrow=c(2,2)) ## A plot(x1,y1) points(xsim,ysim,pch="x") ## B plot(c(0,1000),c(0,1000),type="n",xlab="",ylab="") points(xsim,ysim,pch="x") points(x1,y1,pch="o") mtext(side=1,line=2,"longitude") mtext(side=2,line=2,"latitude") mtext(side=3,line=1,cex=2,"Scatterplot") ## C plot(c(0,1000),c(0,1000),type="n",xlab="",ylab="",axes=F) lines(c(0,1000,1000,0,0),c(0,0,1000,1000,0)) mtext(side=1,line=-.5,at=0,"119.0",cex=.7) mtext(side=1,line=-.5,at=1000,"117.0",cex=.7) mtext(side=2,line=1,at=0,"34.0",cex=.7,las=1) mtext(side=2,line=1,at=500,"35.0",cex=.7,las=1) mtext(side=2,line=1,at=1000,"36.0",cex=.7,las=1) mtext(side=1,line=2,"longitude") mtext(side=2,line=2,"latitude") points(xsim,ysim) ## D plot(c(0,1000),c(0,1000),type="n",xlab="",ylab="",axes=F) lines(c(-40,1040,1040,-40,-40),c(-40,-40,1040,1040,-40)) points(x1,y1) points(xsim,ysim,pch="x") ########################################## ### SIMULATE STATIONARY POISSON WITH RATE 1 ### on B = [0,10] x [0,50]. par(mfrow=c(1,1)) npts <- rpois(1,(10*50)) xsim2 <- runif(npts)*10 ysim2 <- runif(npts)*50 plot(c(0,10),c(0,50),type="n",xlab="",ylab="") points(xsim2,ysim2) mtext(side=1,line=2,"x") mtext(side=2,line=2,"y") ########################################## ### Compute Loglikelihood, for lambda = mu + alpha X + beta Y ### Given a value of mu, alpha, and beta, and an ### observation region such as [0,10] x [0,10]. mu <- .00002 alpha <- .00000003 beta <- .00000001 n <- length(x1) ## n is the number of points xmax <- 1000 ymax <- 1000 logl <- sum(log(mu+alpha*x1+beta*y1)) - mu*xmax*ymax - alpha*ymax*xmax^2/2 - beta*xmax*ymax^2/2 ### Loglikelihood, for log(lambda) = mu + alpha X + beta Y. mu <- -10 alpha <- .0001 beta <- .0002 n <- length(x1) ## n is the number of points xmax <- 1000 ymax <- 1000 logl <- sum(mu+alpha*x1+beta*y1) - exp(mu)/alpha/beta * (exp(alpha*xmax) - 1) * (exp(beta*ymax) - 1) ########################################## MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION: ### first make f(p) the negative loglikelihood, ### where p = (mu, alpha, beta) : ### below is for the case where lambda = mu + alpha X + beta Y. f <- function(p,x,y){ if(p[1]+p[2]*xmax+p[3]*ymax < 0) return(99999) if(p[1] < 0) return(99999) if(p[1]+p[2]*xmax < 0) return(99999) if(p[1]+p[3]*ymax < 0) return(99999) return(-sum(log(p[1]+p[2]*x+p[3]*y)) + p[1]*xmax*ymax + p[2]*ymax*xmax^2/2 + p[3]*xmax*ymax^2/2) } pstart <- c(.00002, .00000003, .00000001) z1 <- nlm(f, pstart, typsize=pstart,x=x1,y=y1,print=0) pend <- z1$estimate ### TO CHECK, COMPARE THE FOLLOWING: f(pstart,x1,y1) f(pend,x1,y1) ### the latter one should be less. ########################################## ### for the case where log(lambda) = mu + alpha X + beta Y, f <- function(p,x,y){ -sum(p[1]+p[2]*x1+p[3]*y1) + exp(p[1])/p[2]/p[3] * (exp(p[2]*xmax) - 1) * (exp(p[3]*ymax) - 1) } pstart <- c(.00002, .00000003, .00000001) z1 <- nlm(f, pstart, typsize=pstart,x=x1,y=y1,print=0) pend <- z1$estimate pstart <- pend z1 <- nlm(f, pstart, typsize=pstart,x=x1,y=y1,print=0) pend <- z1$estimate ########################################## ### PLOT LAMBDA postscript("") par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(x1,y1,xlab="x",ylab="y") x2 <- c(0:10)/10*xmax y2 <- c(0:10)/10*ymax z1 <- matrix(rep(0,(11*11)),ncol=11) z2 <- z1 for(i in c(1:11)){ for(j in c(1:11)){ z1[i,j] <- pend[1] + pend[2]*x2[i] + pend[3]*y2[j] z2[i,j] <- pstart[1] + pstart[2]*x2[i] + pstart[3]*y2[j] }} ##### for log(lambda) = mu + alpha X + beta Y, use exp(z1) ##### where you see z1 below. image(x2,y2,z1,xlab="x",ylab="y",col=gray((0:32)/32)) mtext(side=3,line=1,"Original parameter estimates") image(x2,y2,z1,xlab="x",ylab="y",col=gray((0:32)/32)) mtext(side=3,line=1,"Original parameter estimates") points(x1,y1) image(x2,y2,z2,xlab="x",ylab="y",col=gray((0:32)/32)) mtext(side=3,line=1,"Maximum likelihood estimates") points(x1,y1) ######### ### PLOT RESIDUALS: (for lambda = mu + alpha X + beta Y) postscript("") yres <- pend[1]*y1 + pend[2]*x1*y1 + pend[3]*y1^2/2 par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(x1,y1,xlab="x",ylab="y") plot(x1,yres,xlab="x",ylab="y") plot(x1,yres,xlab="x",ylab="y") yres2 <- pend[1]*ymax + pend[2]*x2*ymax + pend[3]*ymax^2/2 lines(x2,yres2) b <- max(yres2) plot(c(0,xmax),c(0,b),type="n",xlab="x",ylab="y") points(x1,yres) lines(x2,yres2) ########################################## ### PLOT RESIDUALS: (for log(lambda) = mu + alpha X + beta Y) postscript("") yres <- exp(pend[1]+pend[2]*x)/pend[3]*(exp(pend[3]*y)-1) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(x1,y1,xlab="x",ylab="y") plot(x1,yres,xlab="x",ylab="y") plot(x1,yres,xlab="x",ylab="y") yres2 <- exp(pend[1]+pend[2]*x2)/pend[3]*(exp(pend[3]*ymax)-1) lines(x2,yres2) b <- max(yres2) plot(c(0,xmax),c(0,b),type="n",xlab="x",ylab="y") points(x1,yres) lines(x2,yres2) ########################################## ### Simulate hom. Poisson with rate 1 in the transformed region. ### (Simulate over rectangle, and thin.) n2 <- rpois(1,xmax*b) xsim2 <- runif(n2)*xmax ysim2 <- runif(n2)*b keep <- (ysim2 <= pend[1]*ymax + pend[2]*xsim2*ymax + pend[3]*ymax^2/2) ## if you are using log(lambda) = mu + alpha X + beta Y, ## then replace the above line with: ## keep <- (ysim2 <= exp(pend[1]+pend[2]*xsim2)/pend[3]* ## (exp(pend[3]*ymax)-1)) postscript("") par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(c(0,xmax),c(0,b),type="n",xlab="x",ylab="y") points(xsim2,ysim2) lines(x2,yres2) plot(c(0,xmax),c(0,b),type="n",xlab="x",ylab="y") points(xsim2[keep],ysim2[keep]) lines(x2,yres2) plot(c(0,xmax),c(0,b),type="n",xlab="x",ylab="y") points(x1,yres) lines(x2,yres2) ### MISCELLANEOUS length(x) y y[7] help(plot) help(par) ### VIEWING AND CONVERTING TO PDF Quit R, and in Unix do: ghostview ps2pdf