Tests. Statistics 222: Spatial Statistics, Prof. Rick Paik Schoenberg.

Midterm exam: Friday, Nov 14, in class.

Written Project: due Friday, Dec 5, in class.

Oral presentation: Last week of class.

Description of Written Project: Find a spatial dataset and analyze it using some of the methods described in class, if they are relevant. Your report should contain 3-4 pages of written text, followed by as many figures as appropriate. You may include as many figures as you like, but all figures must appear AFTER the text, not in the text, and the text part of the report must not exceed 4 pages, double-spaced. Do not submit any computer code with your report. In selecting your dataset choose something that interests you, and try to have a main, answerable question in mind. Begin your paper with an introduction, a description of your data and how they were obtained, and a summary of the main question(s) to be addressed in your paper. Then summarize your analyses, paying very special attention to any assumptions you are making and the plausibility of those assumptions. Conclude by assessing how effective the methods you used were in helping to answer your main question or questions.
You may use any software of your choice for your analysis.

Oral presentations of project results will take place on the last week of class. These will involve simply presenting a clear and concise (5-10 minute) summary of the project and its results.

All students must attend class, on time, for the final week of class.

There will be no extensions or make-ups. Students who are unable to turn in their project, take the exam, or do their presentation must consult with the instructor in advance, if possible.

Students with learning disabilities must consult with the instructor by the 2nd week of class if special arrangements are required.