Lattice Inputting data one pixel at a time (inputtingdata.s). Image plot (inputtingdata.s). Pocket plot (inputtingdata.s or oak103.s). *Convert to geostatistical data (inputtingdata.s). Median polish (oak102.s). Variogram of median polish residuals (oak103.s). Geostat. Fit spatial trend by regression and show residuals (oak102.s). *Smooth onto a lattice (oak102.s). Classical variogram estimate (inputtingdata.s). Estimate spherical or rational quadratic variogram (inputtingdata.s). Simulate a Gaussian Random Field with a given variogram (models1.s). Fit a polynomial surface (inputtingdata.s). Kriging (inputtingdata.s). P.P. Inputting data with a mouse (inputtingdata.s or pp1.s). Plot with a map (oak1.s). *Convert to lattice data of quadrat counts on a grid (oak1.s, pp1.s or pp103.s). *Store as geostatistical data (oak102.s). Kernel smoothing (pp1.s or pp103.s). Smooth onto a regular n1 x n1 grid (oak102.s). K-function and L-function (pp1.s or pp102.s or pp103.s). F-function (pp103.s). G-function (pp103.s). J-function (pp103.s). Confidence bounds on the K-function and L-function (pp1.s or pp102.s). Simulate a Neyman-Scott process, Matern(I) process, or SSI process (pp102.s). Fit a pseudo-likelihood model (pp103.s). Plot background rate and fitted model for the rate (pp103.s). Marked P.P. Plot, J-function, K-function, L-function, kernel smoothing (pp104.s). * Convert to quadrat totals (pp104.s). Fit a pseudo-likelihood model (pp104.s). Plot background rate and fitted model for the rate (pp104.s).