Syllabus. Stat 222, Spatial Statistics.
Prof. Rick Paik Schoenberg.
Spring 2017.

Lectures: MW 930-1045am, PAB 2434.

Office Hours: Mon 11am-11:55am, MS 8965.


Course webpage: . I am not maintaining the CCLE site. See the site above for information.

Statistics 222 will explore the methods used in the analysis of spatial-temporal data, especially point process data. The course will be both theoretical and applied. Students will learn standard concepts in modeling and parameter estimation, followed by some more recent topics such as point process residual analysis and nonparametric estimation of triggering functions in Hawkes models. Examples will be provided throughout the instruction of the course, and students will implement the techniques discussed in class, using real data sets. Dedicated students should come away with an in-depth understanding of statistical concepts related to spatial-temporal point processes, as well as a thorough comprehension of how and when to implement various techniques in practice.

The course is designed for graduate students in statistics or mathematics, and may also be taken by students from other disciplines provided those students have sufficient mathematical and statistical backgrounds. Some experience in statistical computing with R is recommended.

exam (45%) Mon May 22, in class.
Oral Presentation (10%) -- last 2 weeks of class.
Written project (45%) -- due Sun, Jun 11, 8pm, by email to me.


Attendance in class is generally not mandatory and not counted as part of the grade. However, the last weeks of class is an exception: all students MUST attend class, on time, for the final two weeks.

There will most likely be no extensions for the project or presentation. Students who are unable to make these dates or otherwise fulfill the course requirements must consult with the instructor in advance, if possible.

I am almost always open to questions, but one question I would like you not to ask me is "What did we do in class?" If you miss class, please get caught up on the notes from a fellow classmate.

Written Project:
Find a spatial-temporal point process dataset and analyze it using some of the relevant methods described in class. Your report should contain 4-6 pages of text, followed by as many figures as appropriate. You may include as many figures as you like, but the text itself should not exceed 6 pages, double-spaced.

In selecting your dataset, choose something that interests you, and try to choose a dataset where the quantification of clustering or inhibition of the locations of the points would be of interest. Begin your paper with an introduction, a description of your data and how they were obtained, and a summary of the main question(s) to be addressed in your paper. Then summarize your analyses, paying special attention to any assumptions you are making and the plausibility of those assumptions. Conclude by assessing how effective the methods you used were in helping to answer your main question(s).

Oral presentations of project results will take place on the last 2 weeks of class. These will involve simply presenting a clear and concise 5 minute summary of your dataset including a couple of your main results. Do not try to show all the results from your paper in your oral presentation! You should only show around 4-6 figures in your presentation. Email me a pdf of your slides the night before your presentation, by 8pm, so I can have them ready before class starts.