Errata in An Introduction to Probability with Texas Hold'em Examples.
As of 6/11/15.

A reprinting of the book has fixed most of the errors.
If your book says "arise is this" on page 1 7 lines from the bottom, then you have the fixed version. If instead it says "arise is:", then see the list of errors below.

Many dollar signs ($) were added in editing and should be removed:
P12 L20-21, remove all 3 "$"s.
P13 L18-23, remove all 6 "$"s.
P24 L6-9, remove all 5 "$"s.
P61 L23-24, remove the "$"s before 60 and 89.
P68 L17 and 25-27, remove "$" before "33" in L17 and L27 and before "6" in L25, L26 and L27.
P69 L2-5, remove the "$" in all 6 places.
P69 last par to the top of P70, remove the "$" in all 8 places.

Pviii L3, no new paragraph.

Last paragraph of preface, before "and Bella gave me inspiration", add "Aidee's help made writing the book possible,".

P1 L-7, add "this" after "arise is".

P4 L-15, "Q of hearts" should be "Q of spades".

P6 L6, change "of not" to "or not".

P7 L22, change "Example 1.4.2" to "Example 1.5.2".

P13 L9, change "go all-in" to "raise".

P13 L20, remove the comma after "3.925".

P17, first sentence of Example 2.3.4, change "1/n starting hands" to "1/n of all possible starting hands".

P18 L20, after "50! such permutations", change "plus" to "and thus".

P18, line 24 should say [A spades, A hearts] rather than [A hearts, A spades].

P20 L18, change "1.4.5" to 1.5.5".

P20, last line of Example 2.4.3, change "65.9%" to "1 - 65.9% = 34.1%".

P22, last paragraph, change the first "(A diamond, 2 diamond)" to "(A club, 2 diamond)."

P24 L27, "(8 club, 8 diamond}, {8 club, 8 heart}" should be "(8 club, 8 diamond), (8 club, 8 heart)".

P24, 6 lines from the bottom, change "1 x 43 combinations" to "1 x 24 combinations".

P35 L-5, add "(or royal flush)" after "straight flush".

P45, L27, P.45, change "52, however" to "52; however".

P46 L-1, change "4,641" to "48,841". P47 L10, change "27,0725" to "270,725". P47 L11, change "58" to "5.5".

P47 L13, change "Season 3" to "Season 1".
L20, change "96,000" to "88,000".

P48 L14, change "three of a kind" to "four-of-a-kind".

P50, 2nd line of "Answer", change "P(+)" to "P(cond)". Also on p50, in first line after "~16.1%", change "higher" to "lower".

P51, first line after "~44.4%", change "Example 3.4.2" to "Example 3.4.1".
L15, before "Based on all this information" add "Assume there is no chance Booth would make this bet with any other hand".

P53 L10, "ask" should be "asks".

P54 L15, change "limped in and then re-raised" to "would limp in and then re-raise".

P58 L10, change "1/17" to "16/17".

P59 L-11, insert a new paragraph before "Note".

P61 L12, "[E(X)^2]" should be "[E(X)]^2".
L-4 add "Episode 5" after "Season 1".

P62 L19, change "4.3.3" to "4.2.3".
L20, change "Episode 1" to "Episode 4".

P63 L1-6, change both instances of "Q, 10, or 8" to "Q, 10, or 7", change "Nine such cards" to "Ten such cards", change both instances of "9/44" to "10/44", change both instances of "7,568" to "8,409", and change "1,932" to "1,091". On P63 L12, change "1,932" to "1,091".

P66 L4, change "against you losing" to "against you winning".
L9, change "9/44" to "10/44", "20.5%" to "22.7%", and "24,500" to "27,500".
L10, change "27.9%"to "25.7%" in both places.
L-5, change "Episode 4" to "Episode 6".
L-4, change "raised" to "re-raised."
L-3, change the K of diamonds to K of spades, and change the A of spades and J of spades to A of clubs and J of clubs.
L-3, before "The flop came" insert the sentence "Sam Farha called too, and because of betting from other players, the pot was now $37,300.
L-2, change 8 of spades, 7 of hearts, 2 of spades to 6 of clubs, 4 of clubs, 6 of hearts. Change "18,000" to "15,000".

P67 L5, change "spade" to "club".
L13, change "$22,000 + $36,000" to "$37,300 + $30,000".
L14, L16, L17, and L22, change all 4 instances of "$138,000" to "$117,300".
L16, change "spade" to "club".
L19, change "$218,000" to "$197,300".
L22, change "$218,000" to "$197,300".
L23, change "$-80,000) = 9,409.1 + 44,590.9 - 8,863.6 - 52,727.3 or about -$7,591" to "$-50,000) = $7,997.7 + $40,356.8 - $8,863.6 - $32,954.6 or about $6,536.3".
L24, change "lower" to "higher".
L27, change the J of clubs to the J of hearts.

P68 L25, remove "in" before "million".

P71 L8, change "luck and skill terms" to "terms luck and skill".

P73 L19-22, change "2bp" to "3,200p" in both places, and remove "and b is the amount of the big blind."

P74 L3, change "70.065" to "70.065%".

P80, L7, change "In one hand during Season 1 of High Stakes Poker" to "Consider the hand from Example 3.3.2, where".
L9, change "180,800" to "214,800".
L14, change "180,800" to "214,800".
L15, change "90,400" to "107,400".
L24, change "180,800" to "214,800" and change "90,400" to "107,400".
L25, change "47,550.40" to "56,492.40" and change "180,800" to "214,800".
L26, change "90,400" to "107,400" and change "8,466,357,760" to "11,950,011,360".
L27, change "8,466,357,760" to "11,950,011,360", change "47,550.40" to "56,492.40", and change "6,205,317,219.84" to "8,758,620,102".
L28, change "78,773.84" to "93,587.5".
L28-29, remove the sentence "In the actual hand, the turn and river were the 2 of spades and 4 of hearts, so Elezra won the hand."
L35, change "E(X) -- mu^2" to just "E(X) - mu^2".

P83 L23, change "c" to "a" in both places.

P86 L23, remove "to $11,000".
L24, change the King of diamonds to King of spades.
L25 and L27, change both instances of "18,000" to "15,000".
L25, change "Ace of spades J of spades, the flop came 8 of spades 7 of hearts 2 of spades, and Ly bet" to "Ace of clubs Jack of clubs, and Sam Farha called as well, the flop came 6 of clubs 4 of clubs 6 of hearts, the pot was $37,300, and Ly bet".
L27, change "all in bet" to "all in bet and that Ly and Negreanu were the only players in the hand."
L32-33, completely remove "(c) If Negreanu calls, what is the probability that he will make a straight but not a flush?".
L-9 change "(d)" to "(c)".
L-8, remove "a straight or".
L-7, change "(e)" to "(d)" and change "through (d)" to "through (c)".
L-4, change "(f)" to "(e)".

P91 L10, "geometric" is accidentally listed twice.

P92 L8, add a comma after "-1".

P93 Fig 5.2 should have a jump at 1.0, not at 0.9.

P97 L-9, change "for k = 1, 2, ...," to "for k = r, r+1, ...,".

P97 L-7, change "[pe" to "[pe^t".

P99 L-4, change "Euler's constant" to "Euler's number".

P108 L-9, change "-0)/2" to "+0)/2".
P101 L-4, change "Show" to "Using the result of Exercise 7.12 that E(f(X1) g(X2)) = E(f(X1)) E(F(X2)), show".

P106, caption of Fig. 6.2, "aexp(-a/x)/2" should read "aexp(-a|x|)/2".

P106, 4 lines before example 6.2.2, "(-ay dy" should be "(-ay)dy".

P110 L-8, remove "Thus,". P110 L-3, "(-1a*)" should be "(1-a*)".

P111, second full paragraph, line 4, "and he wins 3 chips" should be "and he wins 2 chips".

P112 L3, remove both instances of "/(b1* + 1 - b2*)".

P114 L16, change "var(X) = 2/lambda^2 - 1/lambda^2 = 1/lambda" to "var(X) = 2/lambda^2 - 1/lambda^2 = 1/lambda^2".

P116 L10, change "-(y-mu)" to "-(y-mu)^2". That is, (y-mu) should be raised to the 2nd power.

P120 L17, add "dy" after "f(y)", at the very end of this paragraph.
L-9 and L-6, change "C(100,5)" to "C(30,2)" in all three places.
L-6, change "(1-y)^2" to "(1-y)^28", and add "5" after the integral from 0.1 to 0.3.
L-2 change "100" to "30".

P122 L8, change "Chapter 4.8" to "Chapter 4.6".

P122 L-12, remove the semi-colon.

P123 L18, change "values" to "value".
L19, change "What is the distribution" to "What are the pdfs".
L-6, change "(b) Use these indifference equations to find the optimal strategies for players A and B" to "(b) Find the expected profit per hand for player B, in terms of c and the thresholds in part (a)."

P124 L3, change "(b) Use these indifference equations to find the optimal strategies for players A and B" to "(b) Find the expected profit per hand for player B, in terms of c, d, and the thresholds in part (a)."

P126 L2, change "I" to "i".

P126 L21, change "2.4.9" to "2.4.10".

P126 L-13, change "player 2 has" to "player 1 has".

P127 L7, change "E(X_1, X_2, ..., X_n)" to "E(X_1 X_2 ... X_n)".

P128 L3, change the semi-colon to a comma, and in L4 change the comma to a semi-colon.

P128, L12 change "black" to "red".

P129, L14, "EX=2" should be "X=2".

P131 L18, change the capital Sigma to a lower case sigma.

P137 L9 and 10, in 3 places it says "lim_{n infinity}" instead of lim_{n -> infinity}.

P138 L25, change capital sigma to lower case, and L-12, change 0.058 to 0.0565.

P140 L-4, change capital sigma to lower case.

P141 L-13, put bars over both X's.

P142 L7, change capital sigma to lower case.

P142 L15, remove "in".

P143, 4th line of caption to Fig 7.3, change "black" to "red" and "gray" to "pink".

P144 L-8, add "of thumb" after "rule". L-3, add "falling" after "mean".

P145 L7, change "X_1, X_2, ..., X_n" to "X_0, X_1, ..., X_n". L8, change "1,2,...,n" to "0,1,...,n". L9, change "S_k = \Sigma _{i=1} ^k X_i, for k=1,2,...n" to "S_k = \Sigma _{i=0} ^k X_i, for k=0,1,...n".

P152 L6, "7.6.5" should be "7.6.6", and in L10-11, all three instances of "P_{2jk}" should be "P_{2^j k}" and both instances of "P_{2j} + 1_k" should be "P_{2^{j+1} k}".

P154 L4, add "and" before "you have" and change "You always" to "Suppose you always".
L6, change "you lose all your chips" to "you lose at least half your chips".
L8 After "each hand." add "Assume none of the other players gets eliminated during this time."
L9, Change "walk, let" to "walk starting at 0, let".
L17 and L18, in both instances, it should say limit as n -> infinity and the sum from i=1 to n. Both got garbled.

P155 L3, capitalize "x" in "E[f(x)]".

P160 L5, "install.package" should be "install.packages".

P164 L30, add "1.96" before "sqrt(2.505%".

P175 L-10, add "or 10" after "a = any remaining card other than a 6".
L-3 change "4 x 41" to "4 x 38".
L-1 change "454 / 990 ~ 45.86%" to "442 / 990 ~ 44.65%."

P176, L7, change "or JJK" to "but not AQ10 or Q109 of the same suit".
L8, change the last "+ C(3,2)x3" to "-4-4".
L9, change all of this to "= 131/19,600 ~ 0.668%, or about 1 in 149.6."

P177, L16, 17, 19, and 20, change the word "spades" in all 4 places to "clubs".
L18 and L20, change "spade" to "club" in both places.
L24-28, replace all of these lines, i.e. all of "turn and river ... 1.31%" with "turn and river contain 2 kings, or one king, or two 4s, or exactly one six with a non-king. Counting combinations, the probability associated with one of these events is [1 + 2 x 43 + C(3,2) + 2 x 41] / C(45,2) = 172/990 ~ 17.37%."
L-13 to -10, remove part (c) completely.
L-10, change "(d)" to "(c)", and remove "or straight".
L-8, change "non-spade" to "non-club".
L-5, change this whole line from "(e) 360/990 ... 46.26%" to "(d) 360/990 - 172/990 + 102/990 = 290/990 ~ 29.29%."
L-4, change "(f)" to "(e)", and change "$11000 + $11000 + $18000 + $18000 = $18000/$58000 ~ 31.03% < 46.26%" to "$37,300 + $18,000 + $18,000 ~ 24.56% < 29.29%".

P178, L17, add "+$6200" after "$2500 x 5".
L18, change "= $587,700" to "= $593,900" and change "Ö $587,700 ~ 30.83%" to "Ö $593,900 ~ 30.51%".
L-12, add "10 10 2 2 a," before "or 10 2 2 ab".
L-9, add "[" after "full house is".
L-6, change "11 x 4 x 10 x 4" to "C(11,2) x 4 x 4".
L-5, change "+ (C(3,2) x 3 x 11 x 4 x 10 x 4)" to "+ (C(3,2) x C(3,2) x 11 x 4) + (C(3,2) x 3 x C(11,2) x 4 x 4)]".
L-4 and L-2, change "51612" to "36168" in both places.
L-1, replace this whole last line and the equals sign before it with the following:
"~ 0.0206%, or 1 in 4854.906. P(X is at least 2) = 1 - P(X = 0) - P(X = 1) = 1 - C(100,0) (0.0206%)^0 (99.9794%)^100 - C(100,1) (0.0206%)^1 (99.9794%)^99 ~ 0.0207%."

P179 L2, change "q^k p" to q^(k-1) p" and change "q^(k-c) p" to "q^(k-c-1) p".

P180 L2, change "c and Y = 2" to "c/2 and Y = 2".

P180 L-14, change "7.6.7" to "7.6.8".

P186, add "Ferguson, Tom, 110" to the index.

Things to change if there is more time:
1. Insert vertical spacing after solutions and major concepts, as there was in my original draft.
2. Insert a figure illustrating Example 6.3.4 on p110. The figure is here .