Algorithmic Construction of Efficient Fractional Factorial Designs With Large Run Sizes

Author:  Hongquan Xu

The final manuscript in PDF accepted for publication in Technometrics.
Note 1: All designs are sorted according to the minimum aberration criterion.  If two designs have the same wordlength pattern, their orderings are arbitrary.

Note 2:  Weak MA 128-run designs in Table 11 are isomorphic to these designs given by Block and Mee (2005, Table 2; see their Corrigenda).
The research was supported by the National Science Foundation grants DMS-0505728 and DMS-0806137.

History of updates:

May 14, 2009: Initial update.
July 24, 2021: Add 64-run resolution 3 designs and 128-run designs of resolution 4.  The 128-run designs are not sorted.

Hongquan Xu