Experiment 3

Supervised learning and classification

(0) The testing stage can be greatly accelerated by ignoring the inhibition step.

In experiment 3, we learn the template from positive training images. Then we use the learned template to score the positive and negative testing images, and obtain the ROC curve. In both the training and testing images, the bounding boxes are given.

Experiment 3 focuses on the situation where the number of positive training images is relatively small. Compared to adaboost, the active basis model applies non-maximum suppression instead of re-weighting before selecting the next basis element. The active basis model does not require negative examples (except pooling a marginal histogram from natural images). Moreover, the generative model can be conveniently used for unsupervised learning as we shall show in the following sections.

(1) data, codes, and readme for classification comparison

Experiment 3.1. Results obtained by fitting the active basis model with sigmoid transformation. The saturation level is 6. The 43 images are 127*85. The number of basis elements 40. eps

Experiment 3.1. The solid curve is ROC of active basis model with sigmoid transformation. The dashed curve is ROC of the adaboost method where the weak classifiers are based on thresholding the filter responses in SUM1 maps. eps

Experiment 3.1. Left: The template learned by the active basis model. Middle: Learned by the adaboost method. Right: Learned from tiny training images. eps1 2 3

ROC report: threshold = .941, thresholdCORR = .971, whiten = .965, whitenCORR = .974, sigmoid6 = .977, bi-basis = .982, adaptive = .983, tiny = .957, single = .926; adaboost on SUM1 = .936, adaboost on MAX1 = .943.

(2) another example

Experiment 3.2. The 31 images are 150*120. The number of basis elements is 40. eps

Experiment 3.2. Comparison between sigmoid and adaboost. eps

ROC report: threshold = .981, thresholdCORR = .985, whiten = .982, whitenCORR = .984, sigmoid6 = .987, bi-basis = .988, adaptive = .989, tiny = .956, single = .980; adaboost on SUM1 = .937, adaboost on MAX1 = .957.

(3) a third example

Experiment 3.3. The 33 images are 150*100. The number of basis elements is 40. eps
sigmoid = .999; adaboost on MAX1 = .994.

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