Have you ever heard of the saying “It is not a bug. It is a feature.”? If not, by the end of this post you will have a good idea what it means. We will see an example where a piece of code runs perfectly without error but does something completely different from what you might think it does (unless you are one of numpy designers!)

Simple regression

Let’s generate some noisy data:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

x = np.random.rand(50,1)
noise = 0.5*np.random.randn(50)
mu = 2*x - 1
y = mu + noise

We next fit a linear regression model \(y \sim \beta_0 + \beta_1 x\) and check the resulting coefficient of determination a.k.a. the \(R^2\):

model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True).fit(x,y)

After congradulating ourselves on the perfect fit to noisy data, it occurs to us that this is perhaps not what should have happened.

Wonders of broadcasting

Let’s check the dimensions of \(y\):

(50, 50)

OK, this wasn’t the intension. We generated a \(50 \times 1\) vector \(x\) and passed it through an affine transformation, \(x \mapsto 2 x + 1\), the output of which mu should still be a \(50 \times 1\) vector. Then, we added a \(50 \times 1\) noise vector to mu get \(y\). So, if all went according to plan, we would have a \(50 \times 1\) vector for \(y\), not a \(50 \times 50\) matrix. Let’s check the shape of noise:


This is a 50-element 1D numpy array. Close enough to pass as a \(50 \times 1\) vector, isn’t it? No!

A \(50 \times 1\) object like mu is a 2D numpy array and different from the 1D 50-element array noise. When we add them, numpy performs something called broadcasting. To quote numpy documentation:

When operating on two arrays, NumPy compares their shapes element-wise. It starts with the trailing (i.e. rightmost) dimensions and works its way left. Two dimensions are compatible when

  1. they are equal, or
  2. one of them is 1

Since noise is a 1D array, it has a single dimension, while mu has 2 dimensions. So they are aligned like this (alignment occurs from the right)

\[\begin{matrix} \text{mu:} & 50 & 1 \\ \text{noise:} & & 50 \end{matrix}\]

and since the dimensions are compatible according to rule 2 above, the dimension with size 1 is “stretched or “copied” to match the other”. That is a \(50 \times 50\) matrix is created whose columns are repeated copies of mu and to each of these columns one element of noise is added:

\[\begin{bmatrix} \text{mu} + \text{noise}[0] & \text{mu} + \text{noise}[1] & \cdots & \text{mu} + \text{noise}[49] \end{bmatrix}\]

That is how out of two (essentially) vectors, we end up creating a matrix.

A bit of statistics

OK. But why did we get a perfect \(R^2\)? You may want to pause here and think about it yourself.

If you followed so far, you notice that noise in our code is really not noise. We are basically adding a constant to each vector mu, so it effectively produces a respnse vector \(y\) from a noiseless linear model on \(x\) with the modified intercept \(-1 +\) noise[j]. The rest is linear algebra. Fitting a linear model to a noiseless data of the form \(y = \beta_0' + \beta_1 x\) produces a perfect fit. sklearn.linear_model acutally solves 50 of these perfect regressions, one for each column of that \(50 \times 50\) matrix and reports the average \(R^2\) across those 50 problems:

The score used when calling score on a regressor uses multioutput=’uniform_average’ from version 0.23 to keep consistent with default value of r2_score.

Since all these regressions have \(R^2=1\), the average is still 1.

Can we check to be sure? Yes. Let’s look at

array([-1.57147241, -0.89209023, -0.5371968 , -0.7963978 , -0.72115687,
       -1.27266215, -0.89665649, -1.32252765, -1.2642981 , -0.58057429,
       -1.65012604, -1.04847361, -0.89424701, -0.89050757, -1.73198845,
       -0.43596676, -0.2968391 , -1.06814484, -1.12911504, -0.96785297,
       -1.66824967, -0.73128158, -0.75711398, -1.00058578, -0.72238412,
       -1.30673187, -0.32309401, -0.10754156, -1.87670833, -1.15763191,
       -0.58670268, -1.10795688, -1.29891249, -0.90241915, -0.2034093 ,
       -1.00095005, -1.04258695, -0.3036957 , -1.06679342, -0.66243987,
       -1.06949021, -0.81706503, -1.33958021,  0.01017578, -0.63461253,
       -0.0683105 , -1.10392489, -1.25071897, -1.02860888, -1.39722975])

which should be equal to noise - 1 (again try to justify this for yourself)

noise - 1
array([-1.57147241, -0.89209023, -0.5371968 , -0.7963978 , -0.72115687,
       -1.27266215, -0.89665649, -1.32252765, -1.2642981 , -0.58057429,
       -1.65012604, -1.04847361, -0.89424701, -0.89050757, -1.73198845,
       -0.43596676, -0.2968391 , -1.06814484, -1.12911504, -0.96785297,
       -1.66824967, -0.73128158, -0.75711398, -1.00058578, -0.72238412,
       -1.30673187, -0.32309401, -0.10754156, -1.87670833, -1.15763191,
       -0.58670268, -1.10795688, -1.29891249, -0.90241915, -0.2034093 ,
       -1.00095005, -1.04258695, -0.3036957 , -1.06679342, -0.66243987,
       -1.06949021, -0.81706503, -1.33958021,  0.01017578, -0.63461253,
       -0.0683105 , -1.10392489, -1.25071897, -1.02860888, -1.39722975])

Can you guess what model.coef_ would be? Note that in sklearn.linear_model, the intercept and regression parameters corresponding to nontrivial predictors/features are reported in different fields (intercept_ versus coef_.).