Stat 216,  Week 2, Wednesday, April 12, 2000

0.  Create a  research problem/ data project  file which will be updated from time tot ime..  Take a look to see if
       you are interested in doing some of these problems. You can also contribute your ideas and problems.

1.  Regression paradigm. Figure 1.4. Chapter 1.

2. Effective dimension reduction in regression, Section 1.4,  Chapter 1.
     Simulation Examples

3. Using SIR-I-II-model.lsp  : (sir-i-ii-model x y)  where x is a list of lists.  Section 2.4, Chapter 2.

      Note  SIR-I-II-model is an enhanced version of the sir-model program  used in the Lecture Note.
     Ignore the output related to the SIR-II part. There are two spin plots produced. The second
     one is from SIR-II which will   be disucssed   in a later chapter.

Enjoy the  pdf file for today's lecture.