Clustering from random initialization, allowing local shift (of location, scale, orientation and flip) of templates

The clustering is model-based (mixture of active basis models). It does NOT require or rely on pairwise similarity meausre.

We initialize the EM-like algorithm from random clustering, and we allow for multiple random starting. We now feel that random clustering is the least biased and most convincing starting point for finding clusters in the images. The initial templates are similar and often not meaningful if the clusters are very different from each other. Then the algorithm starts a polarization process, so that the templates become more different from each other and move towards different clusters.

It is fair to say that all the latent variable models used for unsupervised learning are different versions of mixture models (sometimes continous mixtures or scale mixtures). Discovering mixture components is the key to unsupervised learning. Such mixtures correspond to the OR-nodes in the And-Or graph advocated by Zhu and Mumford for vision.

The difficulty with mixture model in particular and unsupervised learning in general is that the likelihood function is not concave and can be highly multi-modal. So learnability in unsupervised learning is not only about sample size, but also about whether the algorithm can locate the major modes from random initialization. Of course, the two issues appear to be related. For large sample, the likelihood may be less rugged.

Car | Multiple starting

Horse | Multiple starting

Horse (remove those images with fences)


Six animals

Cat and wolf


Cow and deer



bear and wolf

Bear, cattle, cat and wolf | Multiple starting




Pigeon and duck | Multiple starting



Teapot and cup

MNIST digits

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