Active Basis Model , Shared Sketch Algorithm , and Sum-Max Maps for Representing, Learning, and Recognizing Deformable Templates

Ying Nian Wu, Zhangzhang Si, Haifeng Gong, and Song-Chun Zhu

100+ templates learned from non-aligned natural images

Learning the template from the training images. Each selected Gabor basis element is represented by a bar.

Detecting and sketching the objects in the testing images using the learned template. Examples of learning and detecting cats.

Allowing uncertainties in locations, scales and orientations of objects in training data.
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Finding clusters in mixed training data.

Learning part templates for finer sketch at higher resolution.
Paper | Code | Experiments | Model | Learning | Inference | Hierarchical | Texture

Section 1: Paper and Presentation

Section 2: Most Updated Source Code

The code in this section is more readable and up-to-date than the code in Section 3. You can start reading from the file "ReadMeFirst".

Typical parameters: scale parameter of Gabor = .7; locationShiftLimit = 4 pixels (reduced to 3 pixels if it is allowed to adjust overall locations, scales and rotations as in 2); The length or width of the bounding box is around 100 pixels. For larger scale (e.g., scale parameter = 1), you can change locationShiftLimit and the size of bounding box proportionally. You can tune these parameters, although in principle they can be selected automatically.
  1. Learning from roughly aligned images and detection using learned template.
    (a) Basic version This code is the basis for other code. It learns single-scale template in the learning step. It searches over multiple resolutions, rotations and left-right poses in the inference (detection, recognition) step. The learning step and the inference step are usually iterated in an unsupervised learning algorithm. The active basis model is designed for unsupervised learning, such as the learning of codebooks.
    (b) Local shift version Recommended. It learns single-scale template. It allows local shift in location, scale, rotation as well as left-right flip of the object in each training image.
  2. Learning from images where the locations, scales, orientations and left-right poses of the objects are unknown.
    Basic version It learns single-scale template. It searches over multiple resolutions, rotations and left-right poses in detection.
  3. Clustering by fitting a mixture of active basis models.
    (a) Basic EM version It learns single-scale templates. It is initialized by random clustering, with rigorous implementation of E-step. This code only serves as a proof of concept.
    (b) Local shift version Recommended. It searches over multiple resolutions, rotations and left-right poses in detection. It starts from random clustering, and allows for multiple starting.
  4. Learning multi-scale templates.
    (a) Learning from aligned images This code has a different structure and embellished features. It learns templates at multiple scales. It uses Gabor wavelets at multiple scales, although one can also use single-scale Gabor wavelet and multiple resolutions of images.
    (b) Learning from non-aligned images Based on the code in 4.(a)

Section 3: Reproducing Experiments

Post-pulication experiences
The section includes some experiments done after the publication of the two technical reports.
Bug reports We did not clean the bugs from all the code in the above experiments, because they do not affect the existing results.
Version cross-validation Check the code by comparing different versions or implementations.

Section 4: Representation by Active Basis Model (a simplest AND-OR graph and a simplest shape model)

How to represent a deformable template?
The answer is no much beyond wavelet representation, just add some perturbations to the wavelet elements.
The perturbations and the coefficients of the wavelet elements are the hidden variables that seek to explain each individual training image.

Active basis. Each Gabor wavelet element is illustrated by a thin ellipsoid at a certain location and orientation. The upper half shows the perturbation of one basis element. By shifting its location or orientation or both within a limited range, the basis element (illustrated by a black ellipsoid) can change to other Gabor wavelet elements (illustrated by the blue ellipsoids). Because of the perturbations of the basis elements, the active basis represents a deformable template. eps

whew "I" stands for training image, "B" stands for basis, "c" stands for coefficients, "x" stands for pixel, "s" stands for scale, "alpha" stands for orientation, "i" indexes basis elements, "m" indexes training images, "Delta" stands for perturbations or activities. The Delta x and Delta alpha are hidden variables that are to be inferred.

Simplicity: the active basis model is a simplest generalization of the Olshausen-Field V1 model, and we hope it may be relevant to the cortex beyond V1. The generalization is in the subscripts (or attributes). The model is also a simplest instance of AND-OR graph advocated by Zhu and Mumford for vision. AND means composition of basis elements, OR means variations of basis elements caused by Detla hidden variables. The Delta variables can be understood as "residuals" of a shape model built on the geometric attributes of basis elements, where the shape model takes the form of an average shape plus residuals, which is the simplest shape model.
The following are the deformed templates matched to the training images. They are not about motion. They illustrate deformations.

The model is generative and seeks to explain the images.

The probability model at the bottom layer, i.e., conditioning on the Delta hidden variables or equivalently the deformed template B_m, is

Section 5: Learning by Shared Sketch Algorithm (with arg-max retrieving and inhibiting on each individual image)

How to learn a deformable template from a set of training images?
The answer is no much beyond matching pursuit, just do it simultaneously on all the training images.
The intuitive concepts of "edges" and "sketch" emerge from this process.

Shared sketch algorithm. A selected element (colored ellipsoid) is shared by all the training images. For each image, a perturbed version of the element seeks to sketch a local edge segment near the element by a local maximization operation. The elements of the active basis are selected sequentially according to the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the pooled distribution (colored solid curve) of filter responses and the background distribution (black dotted curve). The divergence can be simplified into a pursuit index, which is the sum of the transformed filter responses. The sum essentially counts the number of edge segments sketched by the perturbed versions of the element. eps

The prototype of the algorithm is the shared matching pursuit algorithm:

The generative learning is largely defined by Step (3), which is matching pursuit explaining away, and which leads to non-maximum suppression performed separately on each individual image.

Section 6: Inference by Sum-Max Maps (with bottom-up sum-max scoring and top-down arg-max sketching)

After learning the deformable template, how to recognize it in a new image?
The answer is no much beyond Gabor filtering, just add a local max filtering, and then a linear shape filtering.
But this is to be followed by a top-down pass for sketching the detected object.

Sum-max maps. The SUM1 maps are obtained by convolving the input image with Gabor filters at all the locations and orientations. The ellipsoids in the SUM1 maps illustrate the local filtering or summation operation. The MAX1 maps are obtained by applying a local maximization operator to the SUM1 maps. The arrows in the MAX1 maps illustrate the perturbations over which the local maximization is taken. The SUM2 maps are computed by applying a local summation operator to the MAX1 maps, where the summation is over the elements of the active basis. This operation computes the log-likelihood of the deformed active basis, and can be interpreted as a shape filter.

The bottom up process computes the log-likelihood

It can be decomposed into the following bottom-up operations:

which are followed by the following top-down operations:

The above architecture is more representational than operational, more top-down than bottom-up. The bottom-up operation serves the purpose of top-down representation. The neurons in MAX1 layer can be interpreted as representational OR-nodes of AND-OR graph, where max operation in bottom-up serves the purpose of arg-max inference in top-down. The neurons in SUM2 layer represent templates or partial templates by selective connections to neurons in MAX1 layer.

Section 7: Hierarchical Active Basis and Sum-Max Maps (with bottom-up sum-max scoring and top-down arg-max parsing)

How to model more articulated objects?
The answer is to further compose multiple active basis models that serve as part-templates.
The hierarchical model and the inference architecture are recursions of the themes in active basis.

Sum-max maps. A SUM2 map is computed for each sub-template. For each SUM2 map, a MAX2 map is computed by applying a local maximization operator to the SUM2 map. Then a SUM3 map is computed by summing over the two MAX2 maps. The SUM3 map scores the template matching, where the template consists of two sub-templates that are allowed to locally shift their locations. eps

The hierarchical active basis model shares the same form as the original active basis model.

Shape Script Model

Composing simple geometric shapes (line segments, curve segments, parallel bars, angles, corners, ellipsoids) represented by active basis models.
Are they related to V2 cells or beyond?

Sum-max maps. The sub-templates can be simple geometric shapes describable by simple geometric attributes, such as line segments, curve segments, corners, angles, parallels, ellipsoids, that are allowed to change their attributes such as locations, scales, orientations, as well as aspect ratios, curvatures, angles etc.

Section 8: Background and Texture Statistics

Where do texture statistics come from?
The answer is that they are pooled as null hypothesis to test the sketch hypothesis.
The null hypothesis itself also provides strong description of image intensity pattern.

Nonadaptive background (or negative) images. The residual image of the active basis model is assumed to share the same marginal statistics as these images.

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Both images are 1024x768. The left image is a rural scene (higher entropy and lower kurtosis), and the right image is an urban scene (lower entropy and higher kurtosis).

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Left: Marginal density q() of responses pooled from the above two natural images. It is roughly invariant over scales of Gabor wavelets. It has a very long tail (the small bump at the end is caused by sigmoid saturation), reflecting the fact that there are edges in natural images. The densities of the active basis coefficients are exponential tilting of q().
Middle: Link function between natural parameter and mean parameter. This is used to infer the natural parameters from the observed mean responses at selected locations and orientations.
Right: Log of normalizing constant versus natural parameter. This is used for calculating log-likelihood ratio score for template matching.

Adapative background, where the marginal density q() is pooled from testing images directly.
For each image, at each orientation, a marginal histogram q of filter responses is pooled over all the pixels of this image. Such adaptive q forms a natural couple with p, so that their ratios can be used to score template matching. Such marginal histograms lead to the Markov random field model of texture. The concept of stochastic texture arises as a summary of failed sketching, or as the strongest null hypothesis against the hypothesis of sketchability. The explicit form of the Markov random field texture model is

Paper | Code | Experiments | Model | Learning | Inference | Hierarchical | Texture
Research reported on this page has been supported by NSF DMS 0707055, 1007889 and NSF IIS 0713652.
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