Tianmin Shu

I am Tianmin Shu, a fifth year Ph.D. student in the Department of Statistics at University of California, Los Angeles under the supervision of Prof. Song-Chun Zhu. My research interests are reinforcement and imitation learning for multi-agent systems as well as social scene understanding. I have interned at Facebook AI Research working Dr. Yuandong Tian, and at Salesforce Research (MetaMind) working with Dr. Caiming Xiong and Dr. Richard Socher. I have also closely worked with Prof. Sinisa Todorovic, Prof. Hongjing Lu and Prof. Michael S. Ryoo on various projects.

Google Scholar Profile


09/2018: Invitated talk at ONR MURI meeting, White Mountain, New Hampshire.

06/2018: I started a research internship at Facebook AI Research.

08/2017: Invitated talk at ONR MURI meeting, UCLA.

07/2017: Invitated talk at 3rd Vision Meets Cognition Workshop in conjunction with CVPR 2017, Honolulu, HI.

06/2017: I started a deep learning research intenrship at Salesforce Research (MetaMind). I have written a blog based on my internship project.

06/2017: Our CogSci 2017 paper received Computational Modeling Prize in Perception and Action.

04/2017: Our ICRA 2017 work was covered by New Scientist. [Link]   

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