Stats 110B
Prof. Robert Gould


There will be a quiz given on every Friday except the first week.  These will be brief quizzes on material covered in the previous week's homework and lecture. The quizzes will count for 25% of your grade.

There will be one midterm on Friday, May 14 that will count for 25% of your grade.

The final exam consists of two parts: 1) Project, due Monday, June 7, in class. 2) A one-hour written exam (for which you will have three hours) on Wednesday, June 16, 8am.  Please do not leave town before this date, because no other arrangements can be made.

Quiz 1 and Solutions
Quiz 2 and Solutions
Quiz3 and Solutions
Quiz 4 and Solution
Scores for Midterm (permuted)
Midterm and Solution
Quiz5 and Solutions
Quiz 6 and Solutions
Quiz 7 and Solutions