Research of Ying Nian Wu

Research interests: Generative AI, AI for Science, and the brain.

List of publications

Below are selected recent papers with annotations

I have been interested in developing latent space top-down world models and the associated inference and learning algorithms for images, texts, trajectories, molecules, and biological sequences, as well as latent space representational models for computational neuroscience, such as grid cells, visual cortex, and cognitive map. A top-down world model allows explicit abstraction, composition, reasoning, and planning, which are still lacking in existing models.

Earlier themes:

* Maximum likelihood learning of modern ConvNet-parametrized energy-based model (Xie et al. ICML 16). It is seen as a multi-layer generalization of the FRAME (Filters, Random field And Maximum Entropy) model (Zhu, Wu and Mumford, Neural Computation 1997), where sampling is accomplished by Langevin dynamics, interpreted as Gibbs Reaction And Diffusion Equations (GRADE, Zhu and Mumford, PAMI 1998).

* Maximum likelihood learning of generator network, including its dynamic version, using alternating back-propagation algorithm, without resorting to inference model (Han et al. AAAI 17, Xie et al. AAAI 19)

* Cooperative learning of energy-based model (EBM) and generator network, where EBM (teacher model) revises examples generated by the generator network (student model), and generator network learns from EBM revision (Xie et al. AAAI 18, PAMI 20). The generator is learned sampler of EBM, and the generator partially amortizes MCMC sampling of EBM. Learned computation can be considered temporal difference learning from internal data produced by MCMC.

* Divergence triangle that unifies variational learning and adversarial learning (Han et al CVPR 19, 20). Divergence triangle avoids MCMC sampling, or amortizes MCMC by learned networks. Various forms of divergence triangle explain almost all the generative learning algorithms.

* Latent space energy-based modeling and sampling for image, text, molecule, trajectory (as inverse planning), semi-supervised learning (with information bottleneck), meta-learning (Pang et al. NeurIPS 2020, CVPR 2021, ICML 2021, Nijkamp et al 2022, Yu et al. 2022).

* Representations of groups of transformations, with applications in neuroscience (grid cells and V1, Gao et al. ICLR 2019, NeurIPS 2021, AAAI 2022), vision (Zhu et al. CVPR 2021), and number sense (Zhang et al. ECCV 2022).

D Kong, Y Huang, J Xie, YN Wu (2023) Molecule design by latent prompt transformer. NeurIPS 2023 AI for Science Workshop. pdf
Comment: The latent prompt transformer model assumes a latent vector z that follows a learnable prior model, and z serves as the prompts for a GPT-like generation model. z can also predict the property y by a prediction model. Our optimization method integrates Bayesian optimization and generative modeling.


D Xu, R Gao, WH Zhang, XX Wei, and YN Wu (2023) Conformal normalization in recurrent network of grid cells. pdf
Comment: We propose a simple and general normalization scheme that makes the RNN model conformal, in that the displacement of the position embedding is proportion to the displacement of the agent in the environment. We also provide mathematical understanding that connects the conformal normalization to the emergence of hexagon grid patterns observed in biological grid cells.

P Yu, Y Zhu, S Xie, X Ma, R Gao, SC Zhu, YN Wu (2023) Learning energy-based prior model with diffusion-amortized MCMC. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2023). pdf

J Zuo, X Liu, YN Wu, S Wu, WH Zhang (2023) A recurrent neural circuit mechanism of temporal-scaling equivariant representation. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2023). pdf

P Lu, B Peng, H Cheng, M Galley, KW Chang, YN Wu, SC Zhu, J Gao (2023) Chameleon: Plug-and-Play Compositional Reasoning with Large Language Models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2023). pdf

D Kong, B Pang, T Han, and YN Wu (2023) Molecule design by latent space energy-based modeling and gradual distribution shifting. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI, 2023). pdf

Y Zhao, Y Zeng, Q Long, YN Wu, SC Zhu (2023) Sim2Plan: robot motion planning via message passing between simulation and reality. The Future Technologies Conference, 2023. pdf

Y Xu*, D Kong*, D Xu, Z Ji, B Pang, P Fung*, YN Wu* (2023) Diverse and faithful knowledge-grounded dialogue generation via sequential posterior inference. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023). pdf

YZ Shi, M Xu, JE Hopcroft, K He, JB. Tenenbaum, SC Zhu, YN Wu, W Han, Y Zhu (2023) On the complexity of Bayesian generalization. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023). pdf

J Cui, YN Wu, and T Han (2023) Learning hierarchical features with joint latent space energy-based prior. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV, 2023). pdf

J Cui, YN Wu, and T Han (2023) Learning joint latent space EBM prior model for multi-layer generator. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, 2023). pdf

P Lu, L Qiu, KW Chang, YN Wu, SC Zhu, T Rajpurohit, P Clark, A Kalyan (2023) Dynamic prompt learning via policy gradient for semi-structured mathematical reasoning. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR, 2023). pdf

Q Li, S Huang, Y Hong, Y Zhu, YN Wu, SC Zhu (2023) A minimalist dataset for systematic generalization of perception, syntax, and semantics. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR, 2023). pdf

C Challu, P Jiang, YN Wu, L Callot (2023) SpectraNet: multivariate forecasting and imputation under distribution shifts and missing data. Workshop on Machine Learning for IoT: Datasets, Perception, and Understanding, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR, 2023). pdf


D Xu*, R Gao*, WH Zhang, XX Wei, and YN Wu (2022). Conformal isometry of Lie group representation in recurrent network of grid cells. Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations (NeurReps Workshop), Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2022). pdf | slides | project page
Comment: Algebraically, the recurrent network of grid cells must be a Lie group representation in order to perform path integration. The Peter-Weyl theory connects the two roles of grid cells, namely path integration and basis expansion. Geometrically, the conformal isometry condition seems the simplest condition for the emergence of hexagon grid patterns. Topologically, a compact and connected abelian Lie group is automatically a torus.

WH Zhang, YN Wu, and S Wu (2022). Translation-equivariant representation in recurrent networks with a continuous manifold of attractors. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2022). pdf

P Yu, S Xie, X Ma, B Jia, B Pang, R Gao, Y Zhu, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2022). Latent diffusion energy-based model for interpretable text modeling. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022). pdf | project page
Comment: In latent space, the prior distribution of the latent vector is close to Gaussian. The latent space energy-based model modifies the Gaussian with a simple energy function. For ease of sampling, we learn energy functions at different noise levels of the latent vector, together with variational inference model.

L Yuan, X Gao, Z Zheng, M Edmonds, YN Wu, F Rossano, H Lu, Y Zhu, and SC Zhu (2022). In situ bidirectional human-robot value alignment. Science Robotics. pdf

Y Xu, J Xie, T Zhao, C Baker, Y Zhao, and YN Wu (2022). Energy-based continuous inverse optimal control. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems. pdf project page
Comment: The energy function learned from human drivers serves as the cost function for optimal control in autonomous driving.

C Zhang, S Xie, B Jia, YN Wu, SC Zhu, and Y Zhu (2022). Learning algebraic representation for systematic generalization in abstract reasoning. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2022). pdf | project page

F Gao, Q Ping, G Thattai, A Reganti, YN Wu, and P Natarajan (2022). Transform-retrieve-generate: natural language-centric outside-knowledge visual question answering. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022). pdf

(mode traversing HMC chains)
E Nijkamp, R Gao, P Sountsov, S Vasudevan, B Pang, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2022). MCMC should mix: learning energy-based model with neural transport latent space MCMC. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2022). pdf

C Challu, P Jiang, YN Wu, and L Callot (2022). Deep generative model with hierarchical latent factors for time series anomaly detection. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTAT 2022). pdf | project page

(learned V1 cells)
R Gao, J Xie, S Huang, Y Ren, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2022) Learning V1 simple cells with vector representations of local contents and matrix representations of local motions. The Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2022. pdf project page
Comment: Simple cells in the primary visual cortex are modeled by Gabor wavelets, and adjacent simple cells exhibit quadrature phase relations (e.g., sine and cosine pair). The local image contents are represented by vectors, and the local motions are represented by rotations of the vectors. This explains the aforementioned neuroscience observations.

Y Xu, J Zhang, R He, L Ge, C Yang, C Yang, and YN Wu (2022) SAS: self-augmented strategy for language model pre-training. The Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2022. pdf

D Kong, B Pang, and YN Wu (2021) Unsupervised meta-learning via latent space energy-based model of symbol vector coupling. Fifth Workshop on Meta-Learning at Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. pdf

(learned grid cells | conformal embedding | torus topology)
R Gao, J Xie, X Wei, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2021) On path integration of grid cells: group representation and isotropic scaling. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021). pdf | slides | project page
Comment: The brain represents self-position by a vector. When the agent moves, the vector is transformed (or rotated) by a recurrent network. Locally the self-motion is represented by the directional derivative of the recurrent network. The isotropy of the norm of the derivative underlies the hexagon grid patterns, and leads to locally conformal embedding and controlled error translation. The group representation condition and isotropic scaling condition are satisfied by attractor network defined on a 2D torus topographic organization in the cortex. Our theory is on general recurrent model. The special case of linear model is based on matrix Lie group and matrix Lie algebra of rotation. Unitary matrix representation leads to basis functions for representing place cells.

P Yu, S Xie, Y Ma, Y Zhu, YN Wu, and SC Zhu (2021) Unsupervised foreground extraction via deep region competition. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021). pdf project page

L Yuan, D Zhou, J Shen, J Gao, JL Chen, Q Gu, YN Wu, and SC Zhu (2021) Iterative teacher-aware learning. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021). pdf project page

B Pang and YN Wu (2021) Latent space energy-based model of symbol-vector coupling for text generation and classification. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021). pdf project page

W Han, B Pang, and YN Wu (2021) Robust transfer learning with pretrained language models through adapters. The Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021). pdf

L Qiu, Y Liang, Y Zhao, P Lu, B Peng, Z Yu, YN Wu, and SC Zhu (2021) SocAoG: incremental graph parsing for social relation inference in dialogues. The Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021). pdf project page

B Pang, E Nijkamp, T Han, and YN Wu (2021) Generative text modeling through short run inference. The 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL). pdf project page

E Nijkamp, B Pang, YN Wu, and C Xiong (2021) SCRIPT: Self-Critic Pre-Training of Transformers. The 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2021). pdf

(Initializer is like a policy model, whose solution is refined by a value model)
J Xie*, Z Zheng*, X Fang, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2021) Cooperative training of fast thinking initializer and slow thinking solver for conditional learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). Accepted. pdf project page
Comment: Compared to GAN-type methods, our method is equipped with an iterative refining process (slow thinking) guided by a learned objective function.

Y Guo, Z Tan, K Chen, S Lu, YN Wu (2021) A model obfuscation approach to IoT security. The 9th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS 2021).

(Predicting trajectory)
B Pang, T Zhao, X Xie, and YN Wu (2021) Trajectory prediction with latent belief energy-based model. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page
Comment: We treat trajectory prediction as an inverse planning problem by learning an energy function (or a cost function, or a value function) defined on a latent belief vector that generates the whole trajectory. Our work goes beyond the Markov decision process (MDP) framework where we do not assume Markovian dynamics or stepwise rewards.

(Change of pose in physical space = rotation of vector in neural space)
Y Zhu, R Gao, S Huang, SC Zhu, YN Wu (2021) Learning neural representation of camera pose with matrix representation of pose shift via view synthesis. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page
Comment: This paper applies the idea in our paper on grid cells to learn vector representation of camera pose, where the change of camera pose is represented by a matrix that rotates the vector. The scheme can also be applied to representing poses of objects in the scene.

J Xie*, Y Xu*, Z Zheng, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2021) Generative PointNet: deep energy-based learning on unordered point sets for 3D generation, reconstruction and classification. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page

HJ Huang, KC Huang, M Cap, Y Zhao, YN Wu, and C Baker (2021) Planning on a (risk) budget: safe non-conservative planning in probabilistic dynamic environments. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). pdf

X Xie, C Zhang, Y Zhu, YN Wu, and SC Zhu (2021) Congestion-aware multi-agent trajectory prediction for collision avoidance. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). pdf project page

(Synthesized images)
R Gao, Y Song, B Poole, YN Wu, and DP Kingma (2021) Learning energy-based models by diffusion recovery likelihood. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). pdf project page

Q Li, S Huang, Y Hong, Y Zhu, YN Wu, SC Zhu (2021), A HINT from arithmetic: on systematic generalization of perception, syntax, and semantics. The Role of Mathematical Reasoning in General Artificial Intelligence Workshop at ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations) 2021. pdf

S Xie, X Ma, P Yu, Y Zhu, YN Wu, SC Zhu (2021), HALMA: Humanlike Abstraction Learning Meets Affordance in rapid problem solving. Generalization Workshop at ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations) 2021. pdf project page

J Xie*, Z Zheng*, X Fang, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2021) Learning cycle-consistent cooperative networks via alternating MCMC teaching for unsupervised cross-domain translation. The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021. pdf project page

(Left: latent space EBM stands on generator. Right: Short-run MCMC in latent space)
B Pang*, T Han*, E Nijkamp*, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) Learning latent space energy-based prior model. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020. pdf (one-page code in appendix) project page slides
Comment: This paper originates from an early work IJCV 2003 by Guo, Zhu, Wu, where a top-down model generates textons, and the energy-based model regulates perceptual organization of textons, or describes the Gestalt law of textons.
The latent space EBM stands on a top-down generation network. It is like a value network or cost function defined in latent space.
The scalar-valued energy function is an objective function, a cost function, an evaluator or a critic. It is about constraints, regularities, rules, perceptual organizations, and Gestalt laws. The energy-based model is descriptive instead of generative, which is the reason we used to call it the descriptive model. It only describes what it wants without bothering with how to get it. Compared to generator model (whose output is high dimensional instead of scalar), the energy-based model is like setting up an equation, whereas the generator model is like generating the solution directly. It is much easier to set up the equation than giving the answer, i.e., it is easier to specify a scalar-valued energy function than a vector-valued generation function, the latter is like a policy network.
The energy-based model in latent space is simple and yet expressive, capturing rules or regularities implicitly but effectively. The latent space seems the right home for energy-based model.
Short-run MCMC in latent space for prior and posterior sampling is efficient and mixes well. One can amortize MCMC with learned network (see our recent work on semi-supervised learning), but in this initial paper we prefer to keep it pure and simple, without mixing in tricks from VAE and GAN.

(Left: latent EBM captures chemical rules implicitly in latent space. Right: generated molecules)
B Pang, T Han, and YN Wu (2020) Learning latent space energy-based prior model for molecule generation. Machine Learning for Molecules Workshop at NeurIPS 2020. pdf
Comment: The EBM in latent space captures the chemical rules effectively (and implicitly).

(the symbolic one-hot y is coupled with dense vector z to form an associative memory, and z is the information bottleneck between x and y)
B Pang, E Nijkamp, J Cui, T Han, and YN Wu (2020) Semi-supervised learning by latent space energy-based model of symbol-vector coupling. ICBINB Workshop at NeurIPS 2020. pdf
Comment: In this paper, we jointly train the model with an inference network to amortize posterior sampling. The EBM in latent space couples dense vector for generation and one-hot vector for classification. The symbol-vector coupling is like a coin that has a symbolic side and a dense vector side, similar to the particle-wave duality. There may be many such coins and they may be organized in multiple layers. The symbol-vector coupling seeks to model the interaction between hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. The latent vector captures information bottleneck.

(VAE as alternating projection)
T Han, J Zhang and YN Wu (2020) From em-projections to variational auto-encoder. Deep Learning through Information Geometry Workshop at NeurIPS 2020. pdf

E Nijkamp*, B Pang*, T Han, L Zhou, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) Learning multi-layer latent variable model via variational optimization of short run MCMC for approximate inference, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). pdf project page
Comment: The goal is to completely do away with a learned inference network. Short-run MCMC is convenient and automatic for complex top-down models, where top-down feedback and lateral inhibition automatically emerge, and short-run MCMC can be compared to attractor dynamics in neuroscience.

J Xie*, Z Zheng*, R Gao, W Wang, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) Generative VoxelNet: learning energy-based models for 3D shape synthesis and analysis. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). Accepted. pdf project page

(The model generates both displacement field and appearance)
X Xing, R Gao, T Han, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) Deformable generator networks: unsupervised disentanglement of appearance and geometry. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). Accepted. pdf project page
Comment: Separating geometry and appearance is crucial for vision. The model represents the displacement of the image grid explicitly.

(neural-symbolic learning)
Q Li, S Huang, Y Hong, Y Chen, YN Wu, and SC Zhu (2020) Closed loop neural-symbolic learning via integrating neural perception, grammar parsing, and symbolic reasoning. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). pdf project page

R Gao, E Nijkamp, DP Kingma, Z Xu, AM Dai, and YN Wu (2020) Flow contrastive estimation of energy-based model. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page
Comment: Noise contrastive estimation (NCE) with flow-based model serving as the contrastive or negative distribution. The flow-based model transports the Gaussian noise distribution to be closer to the data distribution, thus providing stronger contrast.

X Xing, T Wu, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) Inducing hierarchical compositional model by sparsifying generator network. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page
Comment: By sparsifying the activities of neurons at multiple layers of a dense top-down model, the learned connections are also sparsified as a result, so that a hierarchical compositional model can emerge.

(Three densities in joint space: pi: latent EBM, p: generator, q: inference)
T Han, E Nijkamp, B Pang, L Zhou, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) Joint training of variational auto-encoder and latent energy-based model. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page
Comment: Another version of divergence triangle that unifies variational learning and adversarial learning by an objective function that is of a symmetric and anti-symmetric form that consists of three Kullback-Leibler divergences between three joint distributions.

J Xie*, R Gao*, Z Zheng, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) Motion-based generator model: unsupervised disentanglement of appearance, trackable and intrackable motions in dynamic patterns. AAAI-20: 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pdf project page

E Nijkamp*, M Hill*, T Han, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) On the anatomy of MCMC-based maximum likelihood learning of energy-based models. (* equal contribution). AAAI-20: 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pdf project page

J Xie, R Gao, E Nijkamp, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) Representation learning: a statistical perspective. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application (ARSIA). pdf

J Xie, Y Lu, R Gao, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2020) Cooperative learning of descriptor and generator networks. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). pdf slides project page video
Comment: The descriptor is an energy-based model, which we used to call descriptive model, random field model, or Gibbs model in our earlier work on FRAME (Filters, Random field, And Maximum Entropy) model, which was one of the earliest energy-based models before the term energy-based model was coined. The generator serves as a learned sampler of EBM to amortize the MCMC sampling of EBM. The generator learns from MCMC samples by a temporal difference scheme which we call MCMC teaching. The MCMC samples can be considered the internal data. The point is that the neural network can learn from external data of observations for modeling, but it can also learn from internal data of computations for amortized computing.

(reconstruction by short-run MCMC, yes it can reconstruct observed images)
E Nijkamp, M Hill, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2019) On learning non-convergent non-persistent short-run MCMC toward energy-based model. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019 pdf (code in appendix)

Z Zhang*, Z Pan*, Y Ying, Z Xie, S Adhikari, J Phillips, RP Carstens, DL Black, YN Wu, and Y Xing (2019) Deep-learning augmented RNA-seq analysis of transcript splicing. Nature Methods, 16:307-10, pdf

T Han, X Xing, J Wu, and YN Wu (2019) Replicating neuroscience observations on ML/MF and AM face patches by deep generative model. Neural Computation, pdf

(learned grid cells)
R Gao*, J Xie*, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2019) Learning grid cells as vector representation of self-position coupled with matrix representation of self-motion. (* equal contribution). International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). pdf project page
Comment: While vector can be used to represent entities (nouns), matrix can be used to represent actions, changes, and relations (verbs) that form groups. Group representation is a central topic in modern mathematics and physics.

(videos generated by the learned model)
T Han, L Yang, J Wu, X Xing, and YN Wu (2019) Learning generator networks for dynamic patterns. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2019). pdf project page
Comment: The video is generated by a single thought vector via a top-down spatial-temporal deconvolutional network, where we treat time as a ÒspatialÓ dimension. The spatial-temporal approach models the whole sequence (or trajectory or event) and avoids auto-regressive (or hidden Markovian or dynamic) modeling.

(videos generated by the learned model)
J Xie, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2019) Learning energy-based spatial-temporal generative ConvNet for dynamic patterns. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). pdf project page
Comment: The video is generated by an EBM where the energy function is defined by a bottom-up spatial-temporal convolutional network, where we treat time as a ÒspatialÓ dimension.

(faces generated and interpolated by the learned model)

(pi is EBM, p is generator, q is inference)
T Han*, E Nijkamp*, X Fang, M Hill, SC Zhu, YN Wu (2019) Divergence triangle for joint training of generator model, energy-based model, and inference model.(* equal contribution). Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page
Comment: The divergence triangle unifies variational learning and adversarial learning by an objective function that is of a symmetric and anti-symmetric form that consists of three Kullback-Leibler divergences between three joint distributions.

X Xing, T Han, R Gao, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2019) Unsupervised disentanglement of appearance and geometry by deformable generator network. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page

(videos generated by the learned model)
J Xie*, R Gao*, Z Zheng, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2019) Learning dynamic generator model by alternating back-propagation through time. AAAI-19: 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pdf project page
Comment: The model is a non-linear generalization of state space model, where each image frame I_t of the video is generated by a latent state vector s_t, which follows an auto-regressive model s_t+1 = f(s_t, e_t), where e_t is innovation noise vector.

YN Wu, R Gao, T Han, and SC Zhu (2019) A tale of three probabilistic families: discriminative, descriptive and generative models. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. pdf

T Han, J Wu, and YN Wu (2018) Replicating active appearance model by generator network. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). pdf

J Xie*, Z Zheng*, R Gao, W Wang, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2018) Learning descriptor networks for 3D shape synthesis and analysis. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page

(face rotation by the learned model)
T Han, X Xing, and YN Wu (2018) Learning multi-view generator network for shared representation. 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018). pdf

R Gao*, Y Lu*, J Zhou, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2018) Learning generative ConvNets via multigrid modeling and sampling. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page
Comment: Scale up maximum likelihood learning of modern ConvNet energy-based model to big datasets.

S Huang, S Qi, Y Xiao, Y Zhu, YN Wu and SC Zhu (2018) Cooperative holistic scene understanding: unifying 3D object, layout, and camera pose estimation. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).

J Xie, Y Lu, R Gao, and YN Wu (2018) Cooperative learning of energy-based model and latent variable model via MCMC teaching. AAAI-18: 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pdf slides project page
Comment: The EBM is the teacher, and the generator is the student. Student writes a draft, teacher revises it, student learns from revision. Compared to GAN, the cooperative learning has a revision process that improves the results from generator.

J Xie, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2017) Synthesizing dynamic patterns by spatial-temporal generative ConvNet. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page
Comment: The paper gives adversarial interpretation of maximum likelihood learning of ConvNet-parametrized energy-based model.

(learning directly from occluded images. Row 1: original images, not available to model; Row 2: training images. Row 3: learning and reconstruction. )
T Han*, Y Lu*, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2017) Alternating back-propagation for generator network. AAAI-17: 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pdf | project page | Pytorch code | TensorFlow code
Comment: Maximum likelihood learning of generator network, without resorting to inference model.

(left: observed; right: synthesized.)
J Xie*, Y Lu*, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2016) A theory of generative ConvNet. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). pdf project page
Comment: Maximum likelihood learning of modern ConvNet-parametrized energy-based model, with connections to Hopfield network, auto-encoder, score matching and contrastive divergence. About energy-based model: (a) It is an unnormalized density defined by scalar-valued energy function. (b) It actually is a big softmax probability. (c) It learns soft regularizations, rules, or constraints, or soft objective function, value function or cost function. (d) It is a generative classifier that can be learned discriminatively or contrastively. (e) Defining energy function in the latent abstract solution space of a top-down model can be particularly convenient.

(Langevin dynamics for sampling ConvNet-EBM)
Y Lu, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2016) Learning FRAME models using CNN filters. AAAI-16: 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pdf project page
Comment: The modern ConvNet-parametrized energy-based model is a multi-layer generalization of FRAME (Filter, Random field, And Maximum Entropy) model, Neural Computation 1997, Zhu, Wu, and Mumford. This paper generates realistic images by Langevin sampling of modern ConvNet-EBM. The Langevin dynamics was interpreted as Gibbs Reaction And Diffusion Equations (GRADE) by PAMI 1998, Zhu and Mumford.

J Dai, Y Lu, and YN Wu (2015) Generative modeling of convolutional neural networks. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). pdf project page
Comment: The paper formulates modern ConvNet-parametrized energy-based model as exponential tilting of a reference distribution, and connect it to discriminative ConvNet classifier.

Below are selected earlier papers

J Xie, Y Lu, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2016) Inducing wavelets into random fields via generative boosting. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 41, 4-25. pdf project page

J Xie, W Hu, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2014) Learning sparse FRAME models for natural image patterns. International Journal of Computer Vision. pdf project page

J Dai, Y Hong, W Hu, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2014) Unsupervised learning of dictionaries of hierarchical compositional models. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). pdf project page

J Dai, YN Wu, J Zhou, and SC Zhu (2013) Cosegmentation and cosketch by unsupervised learning. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). pdf project page

Y Hong, Z Si, WZ Hu, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2013) Unsupervised learning of compositional sparse code for natural image representation. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. pdf project page

YN Wu, Z Si, H Gong, SC Zhu (2010) Learning active basis model for object detection and recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision, 90, 198-235. pdf project page

Z Si, H Gong, SC Zhu, YN Wu (2010) Learning active basis models by EM-type algorithms. Statistical Science, 25, 458-475. pdf project page

YN Wu, C Guo, SC Zhu (2008) From information scaling of natural images to regimes of statistical models. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 66, 81-122. pdf

YN Wu, Z Si, C Fleming, and SC Zhu (2007) Deformable template as active basis. Proceedings of International Conference of Computer Vision. pdf project page

M Zheng, LO Barrera, B Ren, YN Wu (2007) ChIP-chip: data, model and analysis. Biometrics, 63, 787-796. pdf

C Guo, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2007) Primal sketch: integrating structure and texture. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 106, 5-19. pdf project page

C Guo, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2003) Towards a mathematical theory of primal sketch and sketchability. Proceedings of International Conference of Computer Vision. 1228-1235. pdf project page

G Doretto, A Chiuso, YN Wu, S Soatto (2003) Dynamic textures. International Journal of Computer Vision, 51, 91-109. pdf (source code given in paper) project page

C Guo, SC Zhu, and YN Wu (2003) Modeling visual patterns by integrating descriptive and generative models. International Journal of Computer Vision, 53(1), 5-29. pdf

JC Pinheiro, C Liu, YN Wu (2001) Efficient algorithms for robust estimation in linear mixed-effects models using the multivariate t distribution. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 10 (2), 249-276. pdf

YN Wu, SC Zhu, X Liu (2000) Equivalence of Julesz ensembles and FRAME models. International Journal of Computer Vision, 38, 247-265. pdf project page

JS Liu, YN Wu (1999) Parameter expansion for data augmentation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94, 1264-1274. pdf

C Liu, DB Rubin, YN Wu (1998) Parameter expansion to accelerate EM -- the PX-EM algorithm. Biometrika, 85, 755-770. pdf

SC Zhu, YN Wu, DB Mumford (1998) Minimax entropy principle and its application to texture modeling. Neural Computation, 9, 1627-1660. pdf

SC Zhu, YN Wu, DB Mumford (1997) Filter, Random field, And Maximum Entropy (FRAME): towards a unified theory for texture modeling. International Journal of Computer Vision, 27, 107-126. pdf

YN Wu (1995) Random shuffling: a new approach to matching problem. Proceedings of American Statistical Association, 69-74. Longer version pdf